Dr. Kevin Elko's Biography

Dr. Kevin Elko is a nationally renowned Performance Consultant, Professional Motivational speaker and Author.  With hundreds of standing ovations, Dr. Elko is one of the hottest inspirational presenters in the country today. 

Kevin's appeal in the sports world translates directly to the corporate arena.   Dr. Elko has consulted with and presented to a number of companies including: Travelers Insurance Company, The Young Presidents Organization, Smith Kline Beecham Consumer Brands, Abbot Diagnostics, Prudential Securities, Smith Barney, Merrill Lynch, Pioneer Investments and Tyson Foods.  In 2005, Kevin was the highest rated speaker at the Million Dollar Roundtable, the conference for the Insurance Industry's highest achievers, with an audience of 6,000 attendees representing multiple Insurance and Financial Services Companies.

In the sports world, Dr. Elko has consulted with the University of Pittsburgh Athletic Department, University of Miami Football, Rutgers University Football, University of Nebraska Football, Louisiana State University Football and Women's Basketball, University of Alabama Football, The Pittsburgh Steelers, The Pittsburgh Penguins, The Dallas Cowboys, The New Orleans Saints, The Cleveland Browns, The Miami Dolphins, The Buffalo Bills and The Philadelphia Eagles.  His presentations and personal consultations have had a major impact on the performance objectives of these teams and individual players.  He also developed a highly successful personality test that helped various professional football teams evaluate potential draft choices.  

Dr. Elko is the author of four books, Nerves of Steel, The Pep Talk, True Greatness: Mastering the Inner game of Business Success and Touchdown: Achieving Your Greatness on the Playing Field of Business and Life, along with several audio CD programs. 

Born in Brownsville, Pennsylvania, Dr. Elko completed his Bachelors in Biology and Coaching Education at California University of Pennsylvania. He went on to West Virginia University where he completed a Masters in Counseling, a Masters in Sports Psychology, a Graduate Certificate in Gerontology, and a Doctorate in Education with a major emphasis in Sport and Counseling. Also, he is a Certified Addictions Counselor.   

"Life changing and powerful...The definitive recipe for ongoing success.  The lessons and life strategies contained within "Nerves of Steel" go far beyond making you more successful in the workplace and on the field, they provide a recipe for greater peace, success and happiness in life."     
Barry Knight
Vice President
Pioneer Mutual Funds

"There has never been a better time for this message.  Dr. Elko is fantastic!"
Donnie Smyles
Vice President, Financial Advisor

"Dr. Elko taught both me and my team how to motivate ourselves for emotional balance so we didn't become
too high or too low, but remained focused on the game situation."
Emmitt Smith
NFL All-time Leader Rusher

"Dr. Elko has the unique ability to touch everyone he speaks with.  Nobody walks away without picking up something that makes them a better person.  If I had one choice for someone to work with my firm, I would pick Dr. Elko.  He has the unique ability to help people become the kind of person they want to be."
Andy Kalbaugh
Chief Executive Officer
Mutual Service Corporation